Unable to login to wherobots cloud

While signing up for free trial of wherobots cloud community edition during verification phase my page reloaded and now when I try to sign up it prompts email-id already used. I am also not able to login using that id.

Hi Kartikey, I tried to reproduce your case and visit following url directly and input the email I used for registration and the verification code I received got my verification completed.


And Then I can successfully login wherobots cloud(First time will take some seconds).

Please try and let me know if you are still blocked.

And Welcome to Wherobots Cloud and the community!

Hi @kartikey.hadiya -

Thanks for reporting the issue. Did you receive the email to verify your email address?

Hi @kartikey.hadiya,

If you did not receive the verification code by email, you can go to the verification page at https://wherobots.services/auth/verify, enter your email and click the “Resend code” link at the bottom of the form. Make sure you check your spam folder for that email as well.

Once you have your code, head back to that verification page to complete your registration process.

Don’t hesitate to let us know if you are unable to receive your verification code. We are working on making this step more robust against spam blockers.

Thanks, and welcome to Wherobots!

Hi, thank you for the detailed steps. I was able to verify following this but still when i try to login i am redirected to signup page.

yes, i did receive the verification code.

I was able to verify following the steps you and abracadabudda mentioned but still when i try to login i am redirected to signup page.

May I know the email you used for registration? I’ll try to check your status from the backend.

@kartikey.hadiya I have checked your email has been verified. The behavior that it redirect you to signup after login is weird. Could you try to login through this clean url directly and see if you still get blocked?

Still facing same issue.

Thanks for the efforts! I saw your attempt to login in our logs, we’ll check and let you know ASAP.

Thanks you will wait for your response. I will just delete my emailid message. I don’t think it’s a good idea to keep my work emailid publicly exposed.

I have deleted your account so you can try again, please let me know if you encounter any further issues!

It worked now. Thank you